In December we received a formal blessing from the Holy Father, Pope Francis. It is dated December 8, 2024 and it reads:

His Holiness Pope Francis
willingly imparts his blessing
to the members of
The Calix Society
on the happy occasion of its
Seventy-fifth Anniversary.
In giving thanks to Almighty God
for the many graces bestowed during these years
His Holiness prays that the Society
be confirmed in the noble task of bringing
Christ’s healing to those in need
and entrusts them and the members of their families
to the maternal intercession of
the Blessed Virgin Mary,
Mother of the Church.

From the Vatican, 8 December 2024

Edgar Pena Parra

Here is the scan of the original:

A special thank you to our chaplain, Fr. Roland Lajois, who was able to make the necessary connections in order to make this happen!