Calix Online Meetings

Calix Online  Meetings as of 25 August 2023.

  • Sunday¹ – 5:00 pm ET – Study of “The Mass” by Bishop Athanasius Schneider – Margaret W and Neb Calix (for this meeting only: Mtg ID:465-531-4736 Password: 19471947)
  • Sunday – 7:00 pm ET -“12 Step Spirituality – A Series of Lectures by Fr. Emmerich Vogt, OP.” –  Maine Calix
  • Monday – 7:00 pm ET – Lectio Divina – Monday’s Gospel – Gaylen E and Cleveland Calix
  • Tuesday² – 8:00 pm Sydney Time – “Addiction and Grace, Love and Spirituality in the Healing of Addictions” by Gerald May MD-Kevin S and Sydney, Australia Calix
  • Tuesday – 6:00 PM Adoration and Mass, celebrated by Fr. McKay, Calix National Chaplain; On the 3rd Tuesday of the month we have a Holy Hour from 6-7 PM and Mass at 7 PM
  • Tuesday – 8:00 pm ET – “Story of The Calix Society – Catholic Spirituality for Addicted Persons” by Father Douglas McKay. Calix Society Chaplain – Dale C and Pittsburgh Calix
  • Wednesday – 12:00 pm ET -‘The Discernment of Spirits’ by Fr. Timothy Gallagher – Jim B and St. Paul Calix
  • Wednesday – 8:00 pm ET – “12 Step Spirituality: Every Person’s Guide to Taking the 12 Steps” by F
  • Thursday – 8:00 pm ET – “Jesus the Bridegroom” by Brant Pitre hosted by Fred H. and Heather O.
  • Friday – 12:00 pm ET – “Belonging: Bonds of Healing & Recovery” by Dennis, Sheila and Matthew Linn  -Catherine C and Philadelphia Calix
  • Saturday – 12:00 pm ET – Lectio Divina – Sunday’s Gospel – Sheila D,  Bob K and Philadelphia Calix
  • Daily ³ – 8 pm ET – The Holy Rosary – Long Island Calix (For this meeting, ID, 395 384 8092, Password, 102263)
We use a technology platform called Zoom for our online meetings. For those who have never joined a Zoom meeting, Zoom is a format which accommodates many people at one time via video conference or by phone.
Please consider joining one or more of these meetings. Join from your computer by clicking this Link. If joining by telephone, dial 1 646 558 8656, and enter

Meeting ID: 761562941;  Meeting Password: 19491949

¹ID and Password for this Sunday meeting: ID-465-531-4736;  Password-19471947

²ID for this Tuesday 6 am meeting: ID, 344-07-53281

³ID for the Rosary meetings: ID, 395-384-8092, Password, 102263



International numbers available: click this link.
Zoom Available for Local Online Meetings. If you would like to hold your local unit meeting using the Zoom platform, we can offer the use of our Calix account for free Please contact Ken at to set up the online meetings. We can accommodate your meetings only during times when one of our meetings is not already being held. So, as you work with your local unit members to set up a time, please refer to the list of meetings above to know what days/times are not available for your use.
Please let us know if there is anything else that we can do to help in your recovery during these unprecedented times. If you are interested in opening up your local Calix Online meeting to our broader Calix Society members, or have any questions, please contact Gaylen Emond at, or at 216-789-3882.