Premier Documents
Sister Ignatia
Father Ralph Pfau
Archbishop Fulton Sheen
Father Edward Dowling
Father John Ford
Father Keenan
Father Martin
Father Stosek
Father Mark Mindrup
Clarence Snyder
The Catholic Digest
Catholic and Alcoholic
AA and the 12 Steps
Magazine Articles
Christian Ideas in Aid for Alcoholism
Institute of Pastoral Psychology – A Psychiatrist’s Viewpoint
Journal Clinical and Pastoral Work
Journal of Psychology and Theology
Lexington Theological Quarterly
Pastoral Psychology – Alcoholics Anonymous as Group Logotherapy
Pastoral Psychology – Alcoholism
Pastoral Psychology – The Pastor’s Resource in Dealing with Alcoholics
Reformed Drinkers Aid the poor Drunks
Rehabilitation of the Alcoholic
Studies in Formative Spirituality
The Bishop and Alcoholism in the Priesthood
The Drinking Problem and the Churches
The Grab Bag
A.A. And Preaching – Telling Your Story
It’s Time to Develop an Open-Door Policy for Alcoholics
Protestant Catholic but all Christian
Religion and Philosophy in the USA
Special Problems of the Teenage Alcoholic
Spirituality, Religiosity and Alcoholism
Spirituality – A Facet of Wellness
The Catholic Contribution to the 12
The Hidden Gospel of the Twelve Steps – A Protestant Perspective
The Irish Ecclesiastical Record
The Church
The Archive
Audio Files
Clarence Snyder